Our 3 areas of focus
Education for all
Education is the most important aspect in one’s life as it inculcates knowledge, wisdom to understand, moral making man perfect with better life and also helps in building the nation.
Hence Ashraya has focused and started assisting the needy students.
1. Leprosy Colony, Kurnool has been adopted and 56 students are being benefited there. They are provided with necessary books and stationery. They are also provided with transportation fee since they are located far from the town. Sunday classes are organised at Ashraya Premises to assist in their homework or otherwise. Moral values such as respecting others, cleanliness and health are also taught to them.
2. Not only students from Leprosy colony, but also children from nearby areas around Ashraya come to the classes on Sundays.

Students from financially weak background in Bangalore and Vishakapatnam are adopted by Ashraya and are assisted financially until they get jobs and are motivated to assist more students in situations similar to them.
Medical Assistance
Ashraya supports Dalit and marginalised people to break out of degrading, caste-based occupations that get passed down from generation to generation. Our work first helps people form a different vision for themselves, then develops that vision into reality through vocational and skills training. Building networks and fostering an enabling environment, together we can create a shift in mindset within the community as well the individual that supports dignified, caste-free livelihoods that can become a living reality, challenging the stigma of caste and inspiring others to do the same.

In a village near Nandikotkur named Mandlem, Ashraya’s team of doctors conducts medical camp every alternate Sunday. Even eye check up camps are conducted occasionally for the needy and medication / operations are done for free in respective Eye Hospitals.
SUPPORT USMedication with diagnosis has become a costly affair these days. So as a form of Seva, every Sunday, a team of doctors diagnose and treat and provide medication for free in Ashraya premises.
During Ugadi, (Telugu new year) Lakhs of pilgrims from various states and around borders of Telangana & AP travel by foot to Srisailam during the beginning of the summer. They develop heat bubbles, body pains, fever, and certain common ailments. So they are provided with medical treatment to the heat bubbles, legs massage using medicated ayurvedic oil, and any necessary medicines for their ailments to make their journey smoother.

Food Distribution
A team of volunteers from Ashraya take up the task of distributing 700 to 750 food packets to the needy located in General hospital, Bus stand, Railway Station, Temple premises, Leprosy colony and road side.
A lot of people coming from elsewhere to General hospital, poor people on the roadside and other places quench their hunger from these food packets at least one time of the day.
During Ugadi, (Telugu new year) Lakhs of pilgrims from various states and around borders of Telangana & AP travel by foot to Srisailam during the beginning of the summer. All the enroute pilgrims are served hot, fresh and nutritious food along with buttermilk for 24 hours. Additionally, drinking water, tea, biscuits, snack and fruits to carry through further journey are provided.

On any of their family member’s special occasions or birthdays, people donate the money required for a day’s food packet distribution.